Memorable Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Trip - Part 3 (Attractions & Activities)

Kota Kinabalu is famous for the hiking at Mt Kota Kinabalu. I would reckon prior to climbing the mountain, do some physical training. Mt Kota Kinabalu is not the toughest mountain to climb. However, it does need a certain level of stamina. It takes minimum a 2D1N to complete the climb and I would reckon to hire a guide. It help in getting the direction right and ensure safety.

Personally, I did not climb Mt Kota Kinabalu as I am unsure if I am physically strong enough to handle. However, there are a lot of others activities which you can do in Kita Kinabalu other than climbing Mt Kota Kinabalu.

1. White Water Rafting
It is an experience which I will  never forget. I depart from the hotel at around 7am in the morning. and travels to Beaufort Railway Station. The travelling time to Beaufort Railway Station is relatively long. It takes about 2 hours. Bought the train at Beaufort Railway Station and head to Pangi Station.

After which, proceed to Rayoh Station to collect the rafting gear. The guide will also brief us on the rafting journey and things to take note. The guide will also helps to keep our belonging. I would advise not to carry any valuable items along when going for the raft.

The whole rafting journey takes about 3 hours. The moment I get to know that it is a 3 hours of rafting journey, I start to panic a little. Because it does not sounds like a beginner water rafting which I had in Bali. This seems much tougher. And as I am not a good swimmer, I kind of scare. However, it is too late to back off.

Part of the water rafting, the guide will capsized the raft for all of us to get wet. However, not to worry too much if you cannot swim well like me as you will be wearing a life vest. The guide is very attentive as well. They will help and have a closer eyes on those who cannot swim well.

During the raft, there are quite a numbers of rapids such as head hunter, lambada, cobra etc. before entering the rapid, the guide will also highlight the difficulties of each rapid. He will also demonstrate different rafting technique as well.

At the end of the whole raft, I am all wet and exhausted. It takes a lot of your energy. However, I must said, it is really fun. A great experience.

2. Canopy Walk
The canopy walk is situated in the Kinabalu Park. You get to enjoy the nature and take a slow walk. If you visit Kinabalu Park, do complete it with the canopy walk. 
Things to take note:
  • As the weather is very hot, do bring a lot a bottle of water.
  • Do wear a comfortable cover shoes preferably trek shoes or sport shoes.

3. Poring Hot Spring
Hot spring in Kota Kinabalu is well known. Do give it a try. Hot spring helps to release stress and muscles ache etc.

You can also ask for private hot spring should you want privacy. Of course you will need to pay a little more.

4. Botanic Garden
The botanic garden is a part of the Kinabalu Park. You will be able to see a wide variety of lovely flowers.

5. Sunday Market
Gaya street Sunday Market is well known in Kota Kinabalu. It sells a wide variety of stuff such as soft toy, food, clothes etc. Do visit to have a feel of their market. Same Day Deals!

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